[ 16 April 2021 ] Pubg Mobile Redeem Codes List For 16 April 2021

Pubg Mobile Redeem Code 16 April 2021 – Pubg mobile provides us a great opportunity to experience complete battle royale action on mobile devices, there are lot’s of other unique & interesting features are available in pubg mobile like gun skins, outfits, elite royal pass, vehicle skins & characters, which this game more addictive.

Redeem codes is the best shortcut method to get free items in pubg mobile, so Here is place where you can get complete list of pubg mobile redeem code 16 april 2021.

Make sure to report us about the expire redeem codes which is not working, we will try to add new code as a replacement.

Pubg Mobile Redeem Code List For 16 April 2021

Redeem CodeItem Validity
PUBGMGROZAGroza Gun skin3 days ( time limited )
HAPPYEASTERKa98k gun skin3 days ( time limited )
PUBGAPRIL4surprise Reward1 days ( time limited )
2018032133 AG coinslifetime
KALFANPUBGMcasual stroll set3 days ( time limited )

Here is the special redeem codes available above for 16 april 2021 to use for exclusive rewards in pubg mobile battle royale game.

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Pubg Mobile Latest Redeem Codes 16 April 2021

ItemValidityRedeem Code
Vehicle Skin3 daysSDSFIZBz76F
UMP45 skin3 daysBBKRZBZBF9
Rare Outfit bundle3 daysTIFZBIZACZG 
Reward60 daysMNS15COMTH
Reward60 daysKP14H74FCC

Redeem codes for 16 April 2021

ItemValidityRedeem code
Lost Frequencies – Rise60 daysLOSTFREQPUBGM
R3HAB Stars – Align60 daysR3HABPUBGM
Rugged (Beige) – Kar98K3 daysPUBGM98K
Bunny Dance, 200 BP, Casual Stroll Set3 daysDUCKYPUBGM

Instruction for the use of pubg mobile redeem codes 16 April 2021

1. Make sure to check the legitimecy of any redeem code, we won’t verify that every code is usable, active or not.
2. Make sure to double check your pubg mobile Account character id because wrong character may cause you reward lost.

How to use redeem code in pubg mobile?

Most of the player don’t have any idea about pubg mobile redemption center, so let’s get details About it.

Pubg mobile redemption Center is specially created to redeem free rewards, if you have any working redeem code then you just need to follow this simple steps to get redeem code reward in your pubg mobile account.

1. Open pubg mobile game with your main account.
2. Note your character id and then copy the any active redeem code.
3. Visit pubg mobile redemption center.
4. Now paste character id in first box and then paste redeem code in middle box.
5. Now solve captcha and hit on collect button.
6. Open your pubg mobile main account again and checkout the mail box.
7. Your redeem code reward will be arrive within 1 hour after your successful redemption.

so that’s it, make sure to share your experience of using pubg mobile redeem codes for 16 april 2021, comment box is open for you, thank you.

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