How To Get Free Helicopter Skin In Cod Mobile

Cod mobile are currently ranked in top 3 mobile battle royale games, most of the action games preferred call of duty mobile and avoid free Fire and pubg mobile, because cod mobile gameplay is more realistic than other games.

In this post we will teach you how you can get free helicopter skin in cod mobile, so let’s get started.

Activision has recently launched new nail bitter event for cod mobile lover, you have a great chance to get 3 amazing rewards from this event, and helicopter skin is one of them.

Free Helicopter Skin In Cod Mobile

First up, you have to complete the missions to collect points, each mission can give you up to 20 points, let’s know in detail about every mission.

  1. Kill total of 5 enemies with headshot in ranked matches to collect 10 points.
  2. Assist your squad members 3 times and collect 20 massive points
  3. Get 5+ kills in back to back 3 matches to get more 10 points.
  4. Open at least 5 airdrops in cod mobile battle royale mode.
  5. Complete 3 matches with your friends and get chance to claim 20 more points.

There are more mission are available with this event, you can checkout in game.

Now you are ready to redeem helicopter skin, you need minimum 120 point’s to add helicopter skin for free in your cod mobile inventory.

If you don’t have enough points then play more ranked matches and try to complete all available missions.

So at the end, what you think about cod mobile free helicopter skin?, Mark your words in comment box below.

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