Shoot House : new map in call of duty mobile release date

Call of duty mobile is one of the most popular game for mobile devices, now Activision ( cod mobile developers ) has announced to launch new map in the game soon, in this post we will give you complete information about this new update.
Call Of Duty Mobile New Map Release Date
The new Shoot house map comes with the new call of duty mobile season 2 update, which will brings in mid of march month.

This is another map for multiplayer mode, it will add more variety in gameplay action during combat, This new Shoot House map was already comes in 2019 modern warfare.
As we know cod mobile multiplayer mode is way more better than battle royale map, and most of the players preferd to play in multiplayer mode only, that’ why developers are trying to improve multiplayer experience.
How to download?
You will able to download the call of duty mobile new shoot house map update from play store, currently you just need to be patient and wait for the launching of new update with season 2 update.
So what you think about this brand new multiplayer mode map in call of duty mobile, make sure to share your valuable thought with us in comment box below.