How To Get Free Tokens For Evo MP40 In Free Fire

Hello and welcome to ADIX ESPORTS, One of the greatest gun skin in free fire game ‘EVO MP40’ will finally comes on 20th february, and you can redeem it from the brand new faded wheel which is especially available for the evo mp40.

Evo MP40 can be upgradable up to level 7, but we need at least 450 tokens to get the max level of this gun, so in this post we will tell you how you can get the free tokens for evo mp40 gun skin in free fire, so let’s get started.


Free Fire New Cobra Event Rewards

Free fire will launch new event on 20th february 2021, and it continues till 1 march, you can use this event to collect some free tokens and upgrade evo mp40 level.

You have to play 1 game each day to collect 2 tokens for evo mp40 every day, you can get up to 22 free tokens in 11 days event, which can help you to upgrade evo mp40 to level 2nd.

27th february will be the peak day of project cobra event, on this day you can play 5 games and collect 10 tokens for free of cost, it means you have chance to get minimum 32 tokens for evo mp40 upgradation.

So what you think about the free tokens trick for evolution mp40 gun skin, make sure to share your thoughts with us in comment box.

Kanhaiya Patidar

Kanhaiya Patidar is content reviewer for adixesports, he is from Ratlam ( Madhya Pradesh ), for sure this 20 year boy has sharp writing skills.

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