Pubg Mobile Blood Raven Event – How To Get Free Character Vouchers In Pubg Mobile 2021?
Pubg mobile blood raven event is currently going on and it will ends on 25th april, daily active pubg mobile players can collect hundreds of character vouchers for free, in this post we are going to guide you about blood raven event in pubg mobile, so let’s get started.
How To Get Free Character Vouchers Pubg 2021?
Here is the complete step by step guide to to earn character vouchers for free in pubg mobile 2021.
Step 1. Find Seeds In erangel map
Play battle royale matches in solo/duo/squad mode and collect seeds from various locations, image that available above could help you to find the exact location of tree to get seed, also make sure to note that you can only collect 1 seed in each match, so play at least 10 matches to get 10 seeds everyday till 25th april 2021.
Step 2. Use Seed to obtain character Vouchers
Now open your pubg mobile treasures section in inventory, then click on seed to use it, if you are lucky then you will get minimum 5 Character vouhcers in every time.
Make sure to collect maximum seeds & use it to increase number of character Vouchers in your inventory.
that’s it, make sure to share your valuable thoughts about blood raven event in pubg mobile, comment box available below, thank you.