How To Fix Map Downloading Issue In Battlegrounds Mobile India?

Battlegrounds Mobile India ( BGMI ) early access was launched on 17th of June 2021, and it got a massive response from the indian public and cross 1 million downloads in just 1 day, now users are facing some problem regarding to the downloads in BGMI, they are unable to download the maps or any resources, so in this post we are going to give you the solution for this problem, so let’s go.

Step By Step To Fix Map Downloading Issue In BGMI
step 1 : first you have to go the the BGMI lobby, and you will se a arrow at the bottom right side you have to click on that and after that click on settings.
step 2 : after going to settings you have to tap on ‘log out’ option and sign out from your account in the BGMI.
step 3 : after signing out, you will find a icon called repair in the log-in lobby on the right side of your screen you have to click on that.
step 4 : after clicking on repair box will be going to open you have to tick the box and after that it will show a ‘routine repair’ option you have to click on routine repair and then on Ok to confirm it.
step 5 : the downloading patch will now going to be automatically install.
step 6 : after doing all the steps that are given above, you have to just close the game cut it from your running apps and restart the game, the glitch will be fixed.
That’s all you have to do and your game will be fixed and it will run like it was running before the glitch, BGMI users are eagerly waiting for the official launch of the game and wanted to play the real version, stay connected with us because we will share the official launch date as soon as possible, we will going to give all the information regarding to the gaming world so keep supporting us.