Pubg mobile new Hindi & Urdu voice pack – download & free

Hey Gamers, voice packs is one of the important ways to interact with other squad mates in battle royale games, pubg mobile has variety of voice packs in different male & female voices, but recently new Hindi/Urdu Voice pack has already launched for the global version of pubg mobile, in this post we will discuss about that and how to get Hindi/Urdu Voice pack for free in pubg mobile, so let’s get started.

As we know that pubg mobile is so popular in South Asia region and specially in Pakistan, so pubg mobile recently collaborate with famous pakistani singer ‘Asim Azhar’ and launched totally new urdu voice pack in asim Azhar voices, urdu voice pack is almost similar like Hindi pack.

Hindi/Urdu Voice Pack Redeem

Hindi/Urdu Voice Pack Redeem

Now let’s know how you can get Hindi/Urdu Voice pack in pubg mobile, you just need to follow our steps.

  1. Open pubg mobile and enter in the lobby
  2. click on super star event available at the right side top.
  3. Now you need to purchase full superstar bundle in 666 unknown cash ( UC ) to acquire new hindi & urdu mix voice pack
  4. After purchasing, just move to the inventory voice section and replace old voice s with the new Hindi/Urdu Voice pack.

So make sure to earn free Uc by participating in giveaways, bonus challenge and tournaments then purchase hindi/urdu voice pack of asim Azhar.

That’s it, make sure to share your thoughts about this post in comment box below, thank you.

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