Pubg Mobile Season 18 Royal Pass – Leaks & Rewards
Pubg mobile season 18 will be going to launch on 19th match 2021, the theme of this new season 18 are based on the 3rd anniversary of pubg mobile, also we can assume that season 18 royal pass rewards, skins and more other items will have the Splatters of 3rd anniversary theme.
In this post we are going to share some new leaks & rewards of pubg mobile Season 18 Royal pass, so let’s get started.
100 RP are one of the most legendary and rare outifits in pubg mobile, only royal pass equipped player are able to collect this outfit on 100 rp level.
So here is the 100 RP outfit for pubg mobile season 18 royal pass, this outfit design looks like neon theme, and also you have options to choose between male and female outfits, both looks pretty decent.
The new purple blue scarl skin is one of the highlighted items of season 18, this will gonna one of the best scarl skin ever, you can upgrade level of this gun skin up to seven, and here is the fully upgraded new scarl skin in pubg mobile.
So what you think about the Pubg Mobile Season 18 Royal Pass?, it is worth or not, make sure to share your thoughts in comment box.