Pubg Mobile Season 18 Update – New Features & Map

Hello guys, Pubg mobile is ready with another mega update in game, which comes with the new pubg mobile season 18 begins from 19th march 2021, This is the biggest update in 2021 year yet, so in this post we are going to share some new features which can make your game more interesting and combatful.

Karakin Map

karakin map tips

karakin map has already launched in chinese version and now it will finally comes in global version, this is short map of just 2*2 size and the maximum players limit is 64.

Demolition Zone

Demolition zone is totally new thing in pubg mobile, this is the alternative of red zone for karakin map.

demolition zone can easily destroy buildings in karakin and players will automatically killed, this is new but very Dangrous feature for campers in pubg mobile.

Thin Wall Bullet Penetration

Thin wall bullet penetration is another exclusive feature for karakin map, if the wall is thin then bullet can passes through the wall easily.

New Sticky Bomb

Name clear the feature of this throwable, You can set sticky bomb in any house and it will automatically blast when timer completes, but this is karakin only feature, so make sure to collect some sticky bomb in your backpack.

So what you think about the pubg mobile upcoming update, share your thoughts in comment box.

Kanhaiya Patidar

Kanhaiya Patidar is content reviewer for adixesports, he is from Ratlam ( Madhya Pradesh ), for sure this 20 year boy has sharp writing skills.

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