Free Fire New Character D-BEE: Ability, Power, How To Obtain?

New Character D-BEE in free fire: Hello free fire lovers, the new update is on its way, and the new update is coming with it’s new features, new characters, new pet, new gun skins, a new character is also going to include in free fire, so here we are giving you all the details of this new character.

New character D-BEE

As you all know that on ob28 advance server went live on 27th may and it ends on june 3rd.The developers of the game includes very new feature in the game including some cool character, pet change in maps and many more things.

In the advance server we see a new character named as “d-bee”, it is an asset for the game as the new character will have some amazing ability.

Moreover it is also true that all the advance server update can not make up to into the game, but we can see that d-bee can be launched in the ob28 update in official game.

Ability of character D-bee

Ability of character D-bee

‘D-bee is a music maker and street dancer’, his ability name is “bullet beats”, it will cause multiple effect on the gamers gameplay, at the base level of his ability his movement speed increases by 35 percent and accuracy of the player also increase by 35 percent, users will feel same speed and firing rate while moving, at the max level of his ability when player shoots while moving, their movement and speed increases by 70 percent, this proves that this character can be classified as a passive character.

this is quite good and can prove a major advantage for the player that has the character d-bee,  it can be used in any combination while playing. However the name of the character can be changed because it is now in the advance server, but the character are going to remain the same.

Price for purchasing “D-bee”

New character d-bee is available for obtain in around 300 to 500 gems. It can also be purchased in golds.

Bhasker Shukla

fascinated about games & sports, writer & contributor for ADIX eSports.

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