List Of Free Fire Best Players In 2021: Player Id, Channel Name, Kill Ratio

Hello free fire lovers, free is now gaining popularity very fast and more and more talented gamers are coming up, the free fire community has been grew alot, garena also have done world league’s for appreciating the talent, and giving some cash prices that can change some one life, there are very well known players of free fire in India so here we gonna talk about top free fire players in 2021, I’ll put the charecter ID in the post so you can send the players friend request, so here we go.
5. TSG JASH: Player Id, Level, Kill Ratio

TSG jash is one of the most popular free fire content creator, it has 7.8 million subscribers on YouTube which is a massive number, he is one of the most popular players in free fire, he uploads daily conten in his youtuble channel, the name of the channel is “Two side gamer”, he also reaches in heroic in a very less time, his charecter ID is 123643969, sometimes he uploads his 1 vs 1 battles or steam on his youtube channel, his video cross 1 million views within 10 or 11 hours, it means there are alot of fans of his gaming.
4. RAISTAR: Player Id, Level, Kill Ratio

Raistar is also a very well-known gamer in free fire, he is also popular for his speed and his headshot percentage, he kills most of his enemies by headshot, he is so good at playing because of that he also have faced humiliation by other players that he is a hacker, he plays slowly and steadily but his aim is on top, he also own a YouTube channel, the name of his youtube channel is “RAI STAR”, he knocks his enemy as fast as the enemy can not even react, his free fire charecter id is 12022250, his youtube channel has 4.73 million subscribers his all videos hit 1 million in a very less time, there are a active fan base for raistar.
3. RAKESH00007: Player Id, Level, Kill Ratio

Rakesh00007 is also one of the most popular player in India, he is a member of boss guild, he has played over 19,116 squad games, out of these he has won over 5, 945 games.
his kills ratio is also very impressive, he has almost 85,883 kills in the squad mode, his kd is around 6.52, he is also a popular youtuber and post daily content, his YouTube channel has 762k subscribers he has post almost 584 videos in his channels, his almost all videos hit 1 million views daily, so rakesh00007 has also a polular fan base,his charecter ID is 47282554.
2. GYAN GUJAN: Player Id, Level, Kill Ratio

Gyan gujan is also a popular creator in free fire, he is a popular free fire player in India, he has also a youtube channel name Gyan gaming, in his channel he uploads daily content and streams, he almost post daily content, he has played 15,862 matches squad games and has won 5843 matches, he has a win ratio 36.83%, it is a very impressive record, In his 5843 matches, he has got more than 52,661 kills, with a kd ratio of 5.26.
In his duo matches, he only played very few matches as compared to his squad matches, he has a YouTube channel with subscribers of 10 million, he has post 1.9 thousand videos in his channel, he is a daily content creator, he has a very active fan base.
1. AJJUBHAI: Player Id, Level, Kill Ratio

Talking of free fire and there is not the name of Ajjubhai it can’t be possible, he jd the most popular player and content creator in free fire Indian gaming community, he has a YouTube channel almost every plays of free fire know his name and his channel, his channel name is total gaming, he has the most subscribers in free fire with 2.49 crore subscribers, his charecter id is 451012596, his in game name is ajjubhai94, in almost every season he has a kd ratio of 4.76, and has a win ratio of 8.67%, he always sustain kd of minimum 2.77, he has the most active fan base in free fire.