K Character vs Rafael – which is best character to use in free fire?

There are many characters available in free fire mobile battle royale game with different types of abilities, in this post we will compare K character with Rafael and then decide which is best to use in game fights.
K Character vs Rafael
Both characters has insane active ability which can help us to get easy booyah in battle royale matches, so first of all let’s know the abilities and then choose which ability is more useful and why?

K Character Ability
K Character Ability called ‘Master For All’ which increase 50 more points in your maximum EP.
Psychology Mode – 2 EP will increase after every 2 second’s till 100 EP.
Jiujitsu Mode – Teammates EP within 6 meter distances will be increases up to 500%.

Rafael Character Ability
Rafael Character ability called ‘Dead silent’ which can hide gun shots for 8 seconds on mini map, it means enemy will not able to spot you easily, cooldown time is 90 Seconds.
Which Character Is Best In Free Fire?
According to us, Rafael character Ability is more better than K character because gunshots invisibility gives extra advantage to us against enemy.
That’s it, make sure to mention your favourite character name among these 2 in comment box below, thank you.