New Pokemon Snap – Pre-order Bonus, Booster Box & Free

Nintendo switch platform ready to hosts upcoming ‘new Pokémon snap’ on 30th April 2021, this is the successor previous pokemon snap which was launched in 1999 for Nintendo 64, as we know now there are no new games available to play on nintendo 64 platform.

New Pokémon Snap Price

after 22 years the new version of new pokemon snap is coming on Nintendo switch platform, if you are excited and want to buy then it will cost you around 59.99 us dollers in united stats, price might be different in other countries.

How to pre order New Pokemon Snap?

How to pre order New Pokemon Snap?

Physically and digitally Pre orders has been already started for this popular game, here is the places to get your pre order.

  1. Amazon – pre order new pokemon snap from amazon in the base price of 59.99 us dollers.
  2. Nintendo eshop – you can also use the nintando game store called ‘nintendo eshop’ to pre order your game from official platform, it will cost you same 59.99 us dollers.

There are more places which you can checkout to pre order new pokemon snap is gamestop, walmart, best buy, Costco, target.

How to get new Pokémon snap for free?

There are no legit ways available to claim new Pokémon snap game for free of cost, but if you have coupens and vouchers in your Amazon account then you should definitely use it to get free new Pokémon snap game.

Discounts & Booster Box

If you want discount on new Pokémon snap then just wait for the upcoming mega festival, when you might get copy of this popular game at low price, as we know it is too expensive currently.

Currently, there are no information available about the booster box in new pokemon snap game.

Kanhaiya Patidar

Kanhaiya Patidar is content reviewer for adixesports, he is from Ratlam ( Madhya Pradesh ), for sure this 20 year boy has sharp writing skills.

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