How to Push rank in BGMI with maintaining a decent KD?

BGMI cycle1 season1 is on going, and it is till 12th of September, users are wanting to do rank push but they can’t because of some cheaters (hackers), but after that also players has not lose their hope and still wanted to do rank push, so in this post we are going to tell you some points for how you can do rank push, with maintaining a decent KD, so here we go.
how can you do rank push in BGMI with, maintaining a decent KD :-
1.Permanent drop location. 2.good Internet connection. 3.Bot sharing equally in team mates. 4.rushing after 2 zones. 5.not doing 1st gun fight.

1. Permanent drop location :-
For doing a good rank push with decent KD, you have to make a permanent drop location, and on that drop location you have to know the whole place of that drop location, each and every house and all the covers of that drop location, you should know, and you should make sure that if a enemy drops on that location, you should eleminate that player, and make sure that no one can beat you on your drop location.
2. Good Internet connection :-
Good Internet connection is one of the mandatory thing in pushing rank, because if you have a good Internet connection then you can firstly kill the enemy, in an one to one gun fight because if you have a good Internet connection then the bullets you have released will be registered first in compare to your enemy.
3. Bot sharing equally :-
By sharing bots in your team, it is a good sign of your synergy and also it id beneficial for your rank pushing, you can mutually decide that who will take the bots first and who second, it is one of the easiest way for pushing rank.
4. Rushing after 2 zones :-
If you are pushing your rank seriously, then you should first complete your loot and then decide to rush, player’s should rush after completion of 2 zones, then it is completely sure that, in that match your rank will be in plus and you will not get any minus ranking, so if you are a serious rank pusher and have a low end device then you should rush after completion of 2 zones.
5. Not doing 1st gun fight :-
In a rank pushing lobby, you should never leave your cover and wait until your enemy makes a mistake, and when the enemy makes any mistake you should take advantage of it and eliminate the enemy, it is a very useful tip for doing rank push, because most of the time players do some silly mistakes, and enemy takes advantage of it, so never do any first gun fight, try to do third party in every fight where you can take advantage.
that’s it, make sure to share your valuable thoughts about this post in comment box below, thank you.