How To Create & Play Custom Room In Battlegrounds Mobile India ( BGMI )?

BGMI started to gaining a massive popularity in India, BGMI players are increasing day by day, and also the official esports player has started to plays scrims, tournaments and many more things, so in this post we are going to talk about how to create a custom room and play that customs easily in BGMI , so here we go.
how to create custom rooms in BGMI?

Step 1 : firstly if you didn’t have a room card, consider it to buying because without room card, the custom room can not be created, there are many ways through you can buy room cards, first to buy a royal pass, second through clan shop, and third the BGMI shop.
step 2 : After buying the room card, go to your lobby and see on your bottom left there will be a icon “Select”. Click on the “Select” option.
Step 3 : After clicking on Select option, you can see a option “Room”, click on that room option.
Step 4 : after clicking on room option, you will be gone to the room surface, after that look on your bottom right there will be a option “create room”, you have to click on that.
Step 5 : after opening the option customise your room, like what map you want to play, which mode you want to play and after customisation click on create room option again.
Step 6 : fill password and remember if your name has special characters, firstly change it on the room username option because, the names that contains special characters can not create a room, first in your room name option clear all your name and put anything you want, then chose any password you want.
Step 7 : now you are all done click on OK option or create room option, the room will be created for you.
how to play custom rooms?
For playing custom rooms, room ID and passwords is the most necessary thing, if you want to play scrims, or t3, t2, t1, for playing tier customs join any esports server on discord and register yourself they will send you the ID password and you can play tier level custom rooms easily.
For simple rooms ask your friend to invite you whenever they make a room, you can invite your friend after creating a room so it is also a easy method for playing custom rooms.
If you want to earn money through custom rooms, register in tournaments, there are various websites that held money tournaments where you can win money, so you can also play on this types of custom rooms also.
That’s it, make sure to share your more queries about custome rooms in bgmi, we will try to solve your issue earlier, thank you.