Best Tips For Kalahari Map In Free Fire

Kalahari is the newest map in free fire, most of the free fire players not have any idea about how to approach in kalahari battle ground, so in this post we are here to share some tips which you can follow im kalahari map.
Play In Center Of The Zone
Kalahari is landscape map, so it is more beneficial is you will play at the center of the blue zone, and make sure to move as fast you can because other players will also try to capture the center of the kalahari map zone.

Use Mid & Long Range Rifles
Long range fights are really commen in kalahari, because it is very big map, so you can prefer Sniper rifles and other mid range guns like Mp40, these guns will help you to take advantage on your enemies in long range intense fights.
Find Enemies With Your Squad
Always keep your squad close in kalahari, because there are lot’s of open areas in the map, where enemies can shoot down you easily, so it is better that always find enemies with your squad and kill them.
So what you think about these tips for kalahari map?, Make sure to share your thoughts in comments below.