Pubg Mobile New Joker Scarl Skin – Leaks & Release Date
Gun skins is one of the most valuable part of our inventory in pubg mobile, we always wants that all premium gun skin in our hand and sometimes gun skins create fear in enemies mind, finally pubg mobile are going add another skin of scarl gun with season 18 update.
Scarl is the most useful gun after m416, and that’s why we want the epic skin of this gun, so in this post we will share leaks of new joker scarl skin in pubg mobile.
Joker Scarl Skin Release Date
The brand new joker scarl skin expected to launch at the beginning of season 18, this gun is fully upgradable up to level 7 with dynamic kill effects, kill message and loot crate.
Joker Scarl Skin Leaks
we have some exclusive leaks of this new scarl skin based on joker theme, so let’s see the first look with us.
Here is the first look of joker scarl skin in level, you will get exact same when you successfully redeem it.
Kill Message
joker scarl skin kill message looks beautiful, it is in purple and light green background with white color text and gun icon.
so when you kill enemies with joker scarl skin then you see the kill effect in green and pink fog with joker shape in the middle.
here is the image of joker scarl skin loot crate, it looks so premium and unique in first immpression.
this is the fully maxed image of new joker scarl gun, this is one of the best scarl skin ever in pubg mobile game according to us.
So what you think about the Pubg Mobile New Joker Scarl Skin?, share your thoughts in comment box.