How To Hide Career Results In PUBG Mobile Lite?
Pubg is one of the most popular game in the world, and it is played by almost everyone, as we also know that Pubg is a very high end game and not every device can handle this game.
so the developers created Pubg Mobile Lite and it also got love from the players who has low end devices, a very large number of people also plays Pubg Mobile Lite, so in this article we are going to talk about how you can hide your career result in Pubg Mobile Lite, so here we go.
Steps To Hide Your In Game Career Results In Pubg Mobile Lite
Step 1 :- First of all open the Pubg Mobile Lite app in your device, when the game fully loads and get you to the main screen, click on the setting icon on top right of your device.
Step 2 :- After clicking on the setting icon, go to the ‘basic’ tab option and then see that by default your career result has been visible to all, so disable this option, by doing this your career result will be hide for everyone else.
Step 3 :- After doing those 2 steps no one will be further able to see your career result and you can play without any issue.
By doing the same steps you can also unhide your career result whenever you want.
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