How To Delete BGMI Account Permanently? : Linked With Facebook, Google & Twitter

battlegrounds mobile India ( BGMI ) is the favorite game of battle royale & action gaming lovers, where we have to create an account by linking it with Facebook, Twitter or google account.
Sometimes we want’s to delete our account due to some issues, but most of the gamers don’t know how we can delete our account in battlegrounds mobile India which is connected with our social media handle like Google, twitter or Facebook, so here we go.

Linked With Twitter : If your BGMI account is linked with your own twitter handle then follow the simple steps that available below.
- Open your twitter account.
- then visit settings section at left side bottom.
- now, go to the account option & then tap on apps & sessions.
- select the following app or game that you want to unlink with twitter.
- In our case, it is Battlegrounds mobile India
- Just scroll & then tap on ‘Revoke access’ & confirm it.
- that’s it.
Linked With Facebook : Here is the following ways to delete BGMI account that linked with Facebook.
- Open your Facebook account using app & any browser.
- click on the settings option, then open apps & website section.
- Now, search for Battlegrounds mobile India, then click on it.
- then, just tap on the Remove button & confirm it.
- that’s it.
Linked With Google : If your account is linked with google, then it is slightly more easy to delete your BGMI account permanently.
- Open Settings app in your mobile device.
- find & click on the apps option in settings
- now search for google & click on it
- tap on the connected apps & search for battlegrounds mobile India.
- Now, just hit on disconnect button to unlink.
- that’s it.
Why You Should Delete BGMI Account?
- if you don’t want to play BGMI game anymore, then make sure to unlink your BGMI account linked with social media handle, otherwise anyone can use your social media credential to login & play BGMI with your account.
- If you want to create new BGMI account with same social media credentials, then you have to unlink your old account before creating a new one.
That’s it, about how to delete BGMI account that linked with Facebook, Twitter or google, thank you.