6 New Upcoming Cricket Games In 2021

Cricket is the most popular sport in south asia, and most of the cricket lovers always preferred to enjoy all Cricket action on their pc, laptop or console, so in this post we are going to share with you 6 new upcoming cricket games in 2021 year, so let’s get started.
1. NCore Cricket Game

Recently, Indian tech Ncore games announced that they will start developing a brand new 3d Cricket game soon, as we know Ncore games has developed made in india alternetive of pubg mobile which is Fearless and united guards ( FAUG ).
2. Cricket captain 2021

Cricket Captain 21 is another cricket game which is expected to release in mid 2021, cricket captain is highly popular game because of the unique and in-depth gameplay, previous version was developed & published by uk based Childish things company.
3. World cricket championship 4 ( WCC4 )

Wcc4 will be the new updraded Version of previous Wcc3 game, However there are no official information Available about the Features & Release date world cricket championship 4, this game is published by popular indian company named ‘nextwave multimedia’.
4. Real cricket 21

Real cricket 21 has announced by Nautilus mobile in December 2020 last year, but the game is still not released for any platform, according to anuj mankar, real cricket 21 will be launched in summer 2021.
5. Cricket 21

Cricket 21 is currently in development under big ant studio’s, it will be the most advanced Cricket game for pc & consoles, however big ant studio’s plans to launch cricket 21 in june & july 2021.
6. HAYDOS 380

Haydos 380 will be going to launch in the first week of may month, this game is developed by creative monkey games & supported by Matthew Haydon, it is one of the most awaited cricket game in 2021.