Pubg Mobile 3rd Anniversary – Release Date & Rewards
Pubg mobile are going to complete 3 years in march, this popular battle royale game was launched on 19 march 2018, last 3 years is beyond amazing for pubg mobile, and it is one of the best action game for android and ios devices.
last year when pubg mobile was celebrate the 2nd anniversary, they add so many new things based on anniversary theme, so the pubg lover expect same this year, in this post we will share some leaks of 3rd anniversary update rewards in pubg mobile.
Pubg Mobile 3rd Anniversary Release Date
The 3rd anniversary of pubg mobile will comes with the new season 18 update, which will brings on 23rd march 2021.
3rd Anniversary Rewards & Leaks
Here is the new loading screen of pubg mobile based on 3rd anniversary theme, it looks like a big space station.
The brand new anniversary theme lobby are waiting for you in season 18, this is an indoor lobby and looks much better than the last year anniversary lobby.
Update includes new suit named as ‘blood reaven X-suit’, this suit can be upgradable to level 7, of course this is an mythic item.
also the emote of this new suit is amazing more unique, you can see in image how crows surrounding during emote, but you need to upgrade blood reaven X-suit up to 6 level to unlock this emote.
Here is the season 18 tier reward outfit on gold tier, this outfit is in 70 percent black and 30 percent yellow color, it looks good but the season 16 and season 17 tier reward outfit was slightly better than this one.
So what you think about the ‘pubg mobile 3rd anniversary update’, share your thoughts in comment box.