Pubg Mobile Season 20 – Release Date, Royal Pass, Tier Rewards
Pubg mobile has already completed 18 seasons, and the latest 19th season has started on 17 may 2021, but in this post we are going to discuss with you about the new upcoming pubg mobile season 20 release date, royal pass leaks & tier Rewards, so let’s get started.
Pubg Mobile Season 20 Release Date
New Upcoming pubg mobile season 20 will he Expected to arrive between 14th to 16th july 2021, According to previous updates now pubg players want’s more new exciting rewards & features in season 20 update.
New Ranked Mode
The new season 20 will brings complete new ranked mode feature, this mode might enhance your rank pushing experience because Ranked mode will comes with new ratings system.
Here is the royal pass rewards for the Pubg mobile season 20.
Here is the blue helmet skin which might be comes in season 20 rp rewards, as we know Developers give as a chance to collect premium helmet skin from the rp reward missions.
We have 2 amazing Backpack skin leaks which will upgrade your Inventory in season 20, first is in sky blue color looks dynamic, but 2nd backpack will definitely one of the best backpack skins ever in this battle royale title.
This kar98k skin will be expected to available in rp level 1, it means you have a chance to collect this amazing yellowish kar98k sniper skin on season 20 day 1.
The beast AWM gun skin are coming in season 20 update, it might be available in any premium crate, so make sure try your luck for this dynamic AWM skin.
Here is the parachute skin based on king theme, it looks pretty good in first impression, pink, blue color & crown icon on the top make this parachute skin value for money.
100 RP Outfits
Currently, there are no leaks available for season 20 100 RP Outfit, we will update you soon when leaks available, so make sure to follow us for instant updates of pubg mobile season 20, thank you.