Pubg Mobile Season 18 – Leaks & Update
Hello and welcome to ADIX ESPORTS, guys pubg mobile has already complete 16 seasons, and 17th season is going on, But now every pubg player is looking for the upcoming season, Tier rewards, update and leaks, which is pubg mobile season 18, so in this post we are going talk everything about the new pubg mobile season.
Pubg Mobile Season 18 Release Date
The new pubg mobile season 18 will be going to launch on 19 march 2021, pubg mobile die heart fans are hoping more then the previous season, which is not so satisfying for players.
How To Download Pubg Mobile Season 18 Update?
Pubg mobile will able to download the mega season 18 update from play store, may this will be release on 17th march ( 2 days before new season ).
Pubg Mobile Season 18 Leaks
RP Reward
Pubg mobile give 1 rp outfit to their players every new season, in season you will get and amazing 1st rp reward outfit, which is blue hoodie with double ss mark on back side and yellow feat paint.
QBZ Gun Skin
This leak will definitely make some happiness for sanhok map lovers, because we get new QBZ ( Sanhok Specific Gun ) colorful gun skin in season 18 rp rewards.
New Helmet Skin
If you have royal pass then you will receive a new helmet skin after completing 20 rp missions, helmet skin look like a neon design.
New Pan Skin
Pan is one of the most interesting weapon in pubg mobile, and if you are using pan then this leak is only for you, because you may get a new pan skin when you complete 50 rp missions.
Pubg Mobile Season 18 Tier Rewards
Pubg mobile tier rewards is the best hope for players who are not going to buy royal pass of season 18, because this time pubg mobile will gonna give new premium gun skin for free as diamond tier rewards.
Pubg Mobile Season 18 100 RP Dress
That’s it for this post, we will update you about more leaks and updates of pubg mobile season 18 soon, so at the and if you think this is useful post then please hit the like button and share it with your beloved friends.